Sunday, May 29, 2016


Sometimes we get to play games like these, minus the trampolines.
So we have recently been doing this thing called electives.
It is a group of activities that you get to choose from and you do that thing on Friday morning.
I chose to do sport.
We go down to Nairnville park and do a bunch of games and activities.
The first few weeks we have done have been pretty fun (apart from the time I hit my head).
We have learnt lots of team skills and played many fun games to enjoy.
It is what I expected because I have done this elective for the past few years.
I can get the most of this elective by participating in every game and making sure that I can suck the life out of the game (that sounded weird).
Electives is so much fun and I hope that everyone who's elective is fun they enjoy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


So last week was castle week and it was bloody hard.
We had to build a paper castle and make it look good.
We also had to paint it!
It was horrible.
But we got it finished and looks average.
I was working with Daniel, Hugo and Tyler to help make it look awesome.
So we had to work together as a team to make it look FABULOUS and we had good communication and teamwork.
Eventually we did make it look FABULOUS!
Our decisions were made by good communication throughout the boys minds.
We didn't have too many problems so everything was all good m8.
But the only thing that was hard was actually making the castles.
So yeah, that's castle week over and done with thank God.

Monday, May 16, 2016


So recently we have had our cross country race and it went alright.
It was memorable as it was the last cross country at st bens and I did enjoy it.
I do feel that I showed the school values on and off the track.
I cheered everyone on and congratulated people on how they did.
Of course I saw others using it as I saw others congratulating others as well.
As well as doing that, I persevered.
I did not stop running and I didn't walk at all.
Also having alot of stamina helped.
Others persevered as well.
Especially Aidan.
Even though he was struggling to finish the race, he got it done.

Cross country was a great experience and a very great race.
I am sure everyone that participated enjoyed it as much as I did.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Today I have something to tell y'all about something that I am very excited about.
Yes that's right, I am telling you about my fav book!
This book is the newest in the series and it is my favourite book.
Pretty much this book series is all about the life of a boy named Nate and I really enjoy it.
I would recommend this series of books to anyone that likes comedy.
So as you can see this book I am talking about this book here called Big Nate Blasts Off.
Its a really funny book but I cannot really remember what happens in it.
I have a vague idea of what happens tho.
So pretty much Nate and his friends are just enjoy life.
Nate meets a hot girl.
Nate's dad loses his job and they might have to move to get a good job.
See if you want to find out if they move or not then you will have to read the book.
I love this book because it is so interesting and intense.
It is a great book to anyone that loves to read good books.
Plus it is made in 2016 so it is permissible for the 2016 reading challenge.
I definitely rate it 5 stars because it is my favourtie book ever!